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Hello, Plurk. I am living in a world of boxes and I still have things to pick up from the old apartment, but I am BACK ONLINE at least.
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...Even if the computer was stubborn about recognizing the network. And I had to undo and redo the cable setup because the tech decided to plug everything in around its own elbow 8|
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(Seriously, why loop something under the strip, that makes no sense)
(Pouts at the computer.)
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Also, my tablet pen has disappeared 8| I'm sure it'll turn up, but I'm just upset/annoyed it disappeared from where I thought I'd put it
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Such a.... scenic view out the window by the computer here. (The highway I don't mind, but the dumpster man XD )
Zilla Fieri
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Zilla Fieri
I pinged you on a thing that might interest you last night~
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Uuuugh I feel like a dry, dessicated leaf Two days of cleaning up the rest of the old apartment and so much DUST, and then today was a cold snap