Cycling 20Km against a 60Km/h wind at -8°C . . . it doesn't feel like fun now.
potato boyo
I would exit that program
I do that cycling to work just once a week to keep myself more or less fit And usually I regret it halfway trough. But I still think it's better then spending extra $ to drive a car to the gym and loosing time on those torture machines.
Whe you do a tour trough an old castle you always visit the dungeons.
with torture rooms and some old rusty racks.
That was just the knights fitness room . . .
potato boyo
I had a gym membership but I never went
potato boyo
but it smelled like a sweaty locker room outside the buildings front door
potato boyo
why would I ever go in there?
You can stand at the window and see all the people suffer.
potato boyo
just as long as the window is far away from any openings