Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
how long till there's a BeeDrill in the Tardis
Moosey is reminded strongly of the Wasp and the Unicorn which I am sure Donna will love
Vincent Gogh
>. > he doesn't know that
Vincent Gogh
oh right we have Donna and maybe Jenny living there now
I will have Rose do things
when I am not sick as hell I swear
Vincent Gogh
its alright
Vincent Gogh
You just work on not dying alright?
Vincent Gogh
Because I was there too
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
At least its not a Beedrill yet
Vincent Gogh
and by the time it is a Beedrill - hopefully it bonded with Donna
Vincent Gogh
but Icly - they dont know its gonna be a bee
Vincent Gogh
because srsly how do you get a BEE from that?
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
caterpie makes sense
Vincent Gogh
but weedle
Vincent Gogh
Lilith if anything 10 thinks weedle may become a moth
Vincent Gogh
or something like that
XD yes
Vincent Gogh
the dangerous thing is Weedles horn on its head
Vincent Gogh
so hopefully 10 finds out fast that has poison in it
Random and off topic but can Luna mistake Ten for Barty since he's also Tennant?
Vincent Gogh
Of course ^^
Vincent Gogh
same face and does the tongue thing
Vincent Gogh
KillGrave over at WAKE is also Tennat and well its fun :3
Vincent Gogh
and they all do a tongue thing
Vincent Gogh
Lilith but yes; I look forward to the day Weedle becomes Beedrill
Vincent Gogh
and 10 has the F - how did that become a bee?!?!
Vincent Gogh