Noodle Emperor
Lauren Gibbs posed for selfies with Ivanka Trump and was generally civil and pleasant, commenting something about how we can still be civil even if we disagree, and Twitter exploded in rage at her over it. So many insults and derogatory comments about her being 'a naive black person used by racist Trumps' and etc.
Noodle Emperor
I feel bad for the poor woman
Noodle Emperor
she's spent a bunch of her time after celebrating her silver medal defending herself from people because she deigned to take a selfie with someone
Noodle Emperor
She didn't endorse anyone, she was just civil and pleasant, as Ivanka was to her
Noodle Emperor
but seriously
Noodle Emperor
so many comments calling out her skin color and insinuating she's dumb for posing with Ivanka because of it
Noodle Emperor
apparently another guy also posed with Ivanka and his daughters and got a slew of hate as well
Noodle Emperor
for letting his kids near her