The father of one of the Parkland survivors photoshopped emails in an attempted smear campaign against CNN. Basically doing exactly what the conservatives have been accusing the left of doing, which is ironic.
Parkland shooting survivor's family shops docto...
What makes it all worse is that Trump has already been tweeting about the doctored version, which means that his supporters will most likely never believe what's really going on. And of course Fox is being Fox running with the first story they get
Ughhhhh WHY would he be so stupid?!
yeah my family has been posting all over fb about how cnn tried to give that kid a script and he refused b/c he's "not an actor"
and now when this comes out.. they think cnn is the one making the stuff up because you know.. THE MEDIA
I would send them this link, though unfortunately I don't think it will do much to help anymore. The damage has pretty much been done which is the shitty part.
yeah wont do any good. they are convinced that its all actors lol. oh and my brother just informed me that the russia thing is a complete manipulation by the media and that russia hasnt done anything at all
like.. even fuckin trump admits it now