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What-if Wednesday!
What if Dillon in TCW?
Goose Botherer
there are a lot of ways you could swap Dillon in for Anakin and not notice a hitch, especially re: book 1 Dillon - extraordinary abilities, attachment, jealousy, perverted by deliberate corruption and driven by fear to wreak mass murder, responsible for the death of his girlfriend..,.;,,
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a showman with a temper
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BUT on the other hand you've got this very steady and spiritual side to Dillon, and it's much more interesting to me to say, okay, if the jedi do grab him early, if that part of him is cultivated, what then
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...also I just imagined jedi master Elon Tessic and cracked myself the fuck up
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I think in that version, Dillon is a lot more like Obi-wan, in the sense that he completely buys into the system, and he doesn't see anything wrong with the clone slavery because being raised to sacrifice yourself for a good cause is????? pure and right????
Goose Botherer
and perhaps equally prone to run away and hide with guilt for a while
yeeeep, the Jedi are basically a cult all raised to sacrifice with no choice about signing on just like the clones
Goose Botherer
but unlike obiwan I think he'd crack after a year or so and end up in the rebellion because atonement is a big thing for him
yes, good
I was Upset about Obiwan after seeing the prequels, it makes it even harder to buy old hermit Ben to me
Goose Botherer
also, I think he's not a great soldier, but he IS a great healer + battle meditation stuff? so he sees a slightly different slice of the war
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and I definitely think it Gets To Him, healing clones only for them to be thrown away again
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but he wouldn't stop ;;
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also probably he STILL has 0 self-preservation instincts and all of Tessic's company are like, constantly making sure he doesn't walk into active fire zones
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it's the "the force protected me" "I protected you!" from Rogue One but in stereo
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surround sound 12-part harmony
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...some of it IS the force, because battle meditation
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but not all of it
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......also now I'm imagining that he definitely heals a couple of clones were mAYBE TECHNICALLY definitely dead but only for like, a minute
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and there's apocryphal stories and later Vader hunts him down and bad things 8C
baby :-(
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....oh, oh I definitely just had a though about
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if I continue to parallel his powers
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he's also, you know. Real Good at the mind trick
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and mostly doesn't use it but
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when order 66 comes along he sort of........pushes back??? NO STOP WHAT DON'T /frantic handwaves
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and it tears the shit out of his clones' minds, which he also feels
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which buys him enough time to run but he's real fucked up about it for awhile
Goose Botherer
and maybe it enables some of them to break away from the empire later on, but a lot of them just go psychotic and are culled ;_;