Cute Quinn
I'm doing Ampador for the first time and I do NOT understand the Diabolos fight
Cute Quinn
even a little
Cute Quinn
this is the most confusing boss mechanic I've ever seen
☆ oracle
tbh I just pray the rest of my party knows what it's doing d('-'d)
☆ oracle
It has something to do with the doors? And going through the doors while he does his worst attack
diabolos is a pain and i barely remember his mechanics and by barely i mean not at all
☆ oracle
or something
Cute Quinn
that is basically all I understand about it
Cute Quinn
something about pairs of symbols and I don't have a clue
✧ Navigator ✧
above each door is a symbol; there's a match pair for each
✧ Navigator ✧
you see which they are and where they're located in the room when the fight starts, then they disappear. its a mix+match
✧ Navigator ✧
iirc, when diabolos starts one long attack i forget the name of, you have to open the doors; the group then gets sucked into another dimension and is spared the damage from his attack. i forget if everyone has to run to the door tho
✧ Navigator ✧
✧ Navigator ✧
it took me forever to learn and since i rarely get that dungeon, i always forget the doors.
Cute Quinn
in the end the strategy I ended up using was "stand in front of the boss shouting while the healer does all the mechanics
Cute Quinn
✧ Navigator ✧
sounds accurate
Cute Quinn
I still don't have a clue what "mark the matching doors" means in any of these explanations I'm finding
✧ Navigator ✧
okay, on the doors themselves, at the top, a symbol glows when the fight begins
✧ Navigator ✧
they're in matched pairs.
✧ Navigator ✧
someone needs to check and remember/mark where the pairs are
Cute Quinn
also: I just noticed that there seems to be two different idlyshire sets, one of which is objectively better than the other and has the same cost
Cute Quinn
which seems strange
✧ Navigator ✧
Cute Quinn
so is buying the ilvl230 set just straight up pointless
✧ Navigator ✧
including the upgrade items needed
Cute Quinn
because if so I just wasted like 1600 poetics
✧ Navigator ✧
nah, you just buy the upgrade item, and run over to the goblin to exchange it
Cute Quinn
so Shire is upgraded Hailstorm?
Cute Quinn
Cute Quinn
time to start over on this set
Hailstorm etc was the patch before that iirc
the general theme of those was "2.x primal cosplay, sort of" and different roles for different primals
Cute Quinn
it kinda sucks that those show up first as you scroll through the tomestone exchange and buying them is actively harmful to your progression since they're unsellable and use the same hard-to-get resources as Shire
Cute Quinn
and are equippable at the same level but worse in all stats
Cute Quinn
at the same price
yeah that seems off
They were the first sets available, people generally still want that stuff for Glamours. Other things were added sequentially.
I remember those being current before 3.4 though
because that's when Shire actually dropped iirc