Captain_Cold Would John have realized "Sara" raided the Waverider weapons cabinet? And if you want to handwave/talk out things to save time it totally works for me. Thea however will be a mess, Sara's alive and last she knew she was dead.
Air Ashari
We can say he's been tracking her yeah. I mean he was looking for her when he jumped into Malcolm since he's post 03-09
Thea snagged weapons and a spare costume when "Sara" took over so works for me.
And Kristen won't push Arthur to talk, she'll worry of course but she'll let him know she'll listen when he's ready and no sooner.
And once Thea's herself you think she spent the night so Arthur could make sure she's in one piece again? No injuries beyond a few bruises I'm sure.
Air Ashari
He would want her too, because John was more than happy to reveal things Malcolm didn't know about himself like the fact he dies and what not. He's gonna want to keep family close.
Thea will totally spend a night or two or Arthur and Katharine can come to her cabin?
Air Ashari
either is good for me.
Her cabin may be best I think?
Katharine would come but she’s not relieved of a Mirabella yet.
Once Mirabella is sent packing an overnight at Thea's gets suggested I'm sure.
Katharine is all for that, but expect a tiny bird to stalk her.