One thing I really wish SL had more of...rigged necklaces! I found a few of them so far and they are amazing! When my ao moves, usually so does the necklace, but now that it is rigged to Maitreya, it looks so much better!
where did you find them? ive only found a couple. ive heard that most places wont make them because they dont like the stretching with rigged stuff and think that it distorts their creations too much but i like the ones ive found because i hate things sticking out from my body like long unrigged necklaces do :/
AvaWay is where I found a few super cute ones
Second Life Maps | Belita
Amias also has some nice ones too Second Life Maps | Fame Femme
: This is one of the necklace sets from AvaWay, it has a hud for different metal colors. I love it!