Ceejay Writer
With apologies to T.S. Eliot.

The Selling of Domains is a difficult matter,
It isn't just one of your holiday games;
You may think at first I'm as mad as a hatter
When I tell you, a domain must have THREE DIFFERENT EXTENSIONS.
Ceejay Writer
Anyway, that being said, I'm giving serious consideration to selling one of my domains. I own three, and this would be my oldest of the web-children, at 19 years old. I've poked at all the domain-valuation sites and it's worth a low end of about $150 and a high end of about $5,000. So clearly someone's practicing the fine art of bullshittery.
Ceejay Writer
If any of you have experience with selling well-established (though lower traffic these days than in the past due to my neglect) domain names, I'd appreciate your wisdom and advice. If you want to flat out buy cocoajava.com for three grand, heck, it's yours no questions asked. ;-)
How would you like to send the money?
Ceejay Writer
I'm accepting bitcoins, of any number. :-)
I think we have a fundamental misunderstanding here ;-)
Ceejay Writer
It's okay, I understand your shortcomings. For you, I'd accept two grand, kinda a nice charity case for me!
I assure you that you cannot possibly be even close to understanding my shortcomings :-P
Ceejay Writer
Oh please. I am 5' 2". I know shortcomings coming and going.