Also; because it's happening in the River and 9 thread in the Tardis; as far as the library goes - pick any book -srsly pick any book since 10 would had bended back a crazy amount of books from Earth and outside of Earth AND did copy the books here as well from game
besides, clearly these are not for scientific consumption so I do hope you are wise enough to tell the difference between an anatomy book and pornography designed specifically for visual pleasure.
Adrien all: "YAY MANGA!!!! /slow horror/ WHY IS THERE PORN!?!?!??!?!!" 4: Ohh doggies!!!! Adrien: THE ANATOMY IS ALL WRONG 4: it's art not anatomy. Their physics are wrong too!
4: Ohh doggies!!!!
4: it's art not anatomy. Their physics are wrong too!