Worldbuilding time, amigos.
shadowfire1986 because yeah.
This is for my Saturday fantasy game that just started, since my group said "fuck your game and fuck your couch" about the BESM/Shadowrun thing we were doing. The last play report I did was for that game.
So I just started them in a relatively generic little port town in the ruins of an ancient, much larger harbor. Place is uninspiringly named Old Port
Or Oldport, if you like. They don't seem to have a solid opinion either way, with various different buildings labeled one or the other.
Old Port Inn, Oldport Stables, etc.
Anyway, the rest of this is likely to be pretty generic notes.
The Warlands is a steppe region inhabited primarily by nomadic tribes/warbands that continually fight one another over the resources of the region.
The region is known particularly for its Citadels, massive fortresses that function as city-states and change hands unpredictably. It is said that the first of these was built by hobgoblin exiles.
The * Wastes: Trying to figure out a proper word to fit in there. Mana Wastes would be perfect, but that's a Golarion thing.
Anyway, the Wastes is a region devastated by magical cataclysm. It's full of all kinds of horrible things, like living spells and twisted mutants and things that just plain shouldn't be
It also happens to hold mind-boggling riches, the remnants of whatever ancient kingdom once ruled the area before the cataclysm. The horrifying terrain and inhabitants of the Wastes prevents most scavengers and adventurers from exploiting its wealth, so there's vast riches just lying around.
The City of Fallen Spires, a truly massive ancient metropolis, is said to exist somewhere within the Wastes, and it is supposedly there that the secrets of what caused the Wastes to come into existence can be found.
One of the more famous ruins of the Wastes sits near its edge: the Crashed City.
The Crashed City appears to have once been a massive, floating fortress; a siege weapon so large as to have been a city in its own right. When the Wastes were formed, it appears the Crashed City attempted to flee, but nosed hard into the ground within miles of the edge of the devastation.
It is now used primarily as a trade hub for those brave or foolish enough to enter the Wastes, and those who would profit from their expeditions.
There is an as-yet unnamed jungle, inhabited primarily by lizardfolk and drow, with the possibility of swamp-oriented deku as well.
The lizardfolk are pretty standard. However, the drow are surface-dwelling and not inherently evil. Rather than worshiping Lolth, the jungle drow worship ancient jungle gods relatively unknown outside of their homeland.
While not outright evil, the drow are insular in the extreme, and zealously devoted to their gods, which could look virtually the same to an unfortunate interloper.