The Write Stuff
Having a night where I just wish I could go home and hide in the bedroom for a couple of days.
The Write Stuff
Screwed something up at work, kinda hard to fight the feeling I’m not just screwing up all the time.
The Write Stuff
There have been several points this week where I’ve questioned why I even bother trying anymore.
The Write Stuff
Don’t feel like I’m good at my job anymore, probably going to sell my camera gear in the near future to try and pay down more lingering medical debt...
The Write Stuff
On top of that, I overheard two coworkers, both of whom I considered friends, making jokes about me... so, yeah, it’s been a good week and a half.
The Write Stuff
It just gets frustrating when there are people here who are talking about how I’m lazy... because there are things I can’t due because of this damn hernia.
The Write Stuff
Seriously, I wish I could do more. I’m doing more than my doctor wants me to, actually.
The Write Stuff
If I could do more physically, I’d be pursuing the career I actually wanted.
The Write Stuff
Anyway... just... kinda needed to vent away from family and the like, because they’re just not helpful with this kind of thing.