duck bastard
[replurk/politics?] i'm fucking wheezing

duck bastard
"all this pop psychology is hogwash. you can't say ugly people are drawn to the left. have you seen the people at a trump rally?"

duck bastard
"The entire paragraph is just repeating Fake News. There was NO blood, NO semen, and there was NO Satanism."

duck bastard
"This is definitely not the pace for more of your narcissism."

purkle archer
this was one of the best things on my twitter feed today

oh my god those comments

All of them are amazing, every single one

sentient gate
i am so overjoyed that this is a thing that exists

sentient gate
my little editor heart is beating in triple time

I laughed and popcorned so much

how about no
what a fucking tool lmao

how about no
he can't even write shit without inflammatory language, 4chan talk and ego tripping

how about no
how degraded their language is (also pretty sure pepe's creator is sick of this and suing)

go тo вread
You can see where the editor breaks down because their grammar starts taking a nosedive.

It's fucking glorious This made my day

Also, yes, Pepe's creator is absolutely suing alt-right places that adopted Pepe as a hate symbol.

oh my god

when an editor starts leaving comments like NO. IT. IS. NOT. and DELETE UGH on a manuscript...

duck bastard
a person has been broken lmao

no one can read you to filth like an editor.

and surprise, surprise 4chan/internet nazi drivel isn't fit to publish professionally.

I do like some of the other comments I saw like "Basically someone is upset that they ordered crap and got crap in the mail."

Todd in the Shadows on Twitter

how about no
lmao decent reading

how about no
"well it will piss off the left therefore decent reading"

duck bastard
what moral outrage.... people are making fun of it

yeeeeah I went
at that one

how about no
people are laughing at it = attention = any fool could twist it into outrage

how about no
Speaking of, anybody could write something "to piss people off" too, that doesn't make it good

how about no
then it's not for anybody but the people who already agree and the people to piss off

Oh my god you can see the exact moment that the editor was like “fuck it”

It's beautiful


how about no
I hope Leslie sues him for once again not leaving her the fuck alone and thinking he can speak her name

how about no
take back that 80,000

Poinsettia 🌺

how about no
"libidiots criticizing him--" the publisher is a conservative entity HAHAHAHA


how about no
and I also don't get how librulz are smug and condescending when that's basically the alt right 24/7

how about no
Also they resort to petty personal insults about assumed appearance and sex life like this is high school

𝒄𝒐𝒇𝒇𝒊𝒏 𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒆𝒏
i am saving several of these to a folder of reaction images

Like for real, what liberal did they actually meet that is like this?

𝒄𝒐𝒇𝒇𝒊𝒏 𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒆𝒏
The thing is, I don't think many of these people have actually met anyone with a dissenting opinion and are just guessing that people are a certain way

Projection, basically.

𝒄𝒐𝒇𝒇𝒊𝒏 𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒆𝒏

how about no
also I'm pretty sure they people they're talking about are kids or the fucking fake accounts that tricked those gullible shits into being alt right in the first place

how about no
preeeetty sure there are accounts of people being like "yeah I made a fake kin account to persuade people liberals are out of control lol"

Cookie Politics
most of the people I know with Strong Opinions About [insert any marginalized group here] have never actually met any or aren't aware of the ones they have

Cookie Politics
so none of this would surprise me

how about no
"well I heard about it from topkekistanxpepexxx and he must be right"