書中涵蓋的理論和討論場域 The theorists included are: - Karl Marx - Fashion and Capitalism - Signmund Freud - More then a Fetish: Fahion and Psychoanalysis - Georg Simmel - The "Philosophical Monet" - Walter Benjamin - Fashion, Modernity and the City Street - Mikhail Bakhtin - Fashioning the Grotesque Body - Maurice Merleau-Ponty - The Corporeal Experience of Fashion
- Roland Barthes - Semiology and the Rhetorical Codes of Fashion - Erving Goffman - Social Science as Art of Cultural Observation - Gilles Deleuze - Bodies-Without-Organs in the folds of fashion - Michel Foucault - Fashioning the Body Politic - Niklas Luhmann - Fashion between the Fashionable and Old-fashioned
- Jean Baudrillard - Post-modern Fashion and the End of Meaning - Pierre Boudrieu - The Field of Fashion - Jacques Derrida - Fashion under Erasure - Bruno Latour - Actor-Network-Theory and Fashion - Judith Butler - Fashion and Performativity
Thinking Through Fashion: A Guide to Key Theorists
The theorists included are:
- Karl Marx - Fashion and Capitalism
- Signmund Freud - More then a Fetish: Fahion and Psychoanalysis
- Georg Simmel - The "Philosophical Monet"
- Walter Benjamin - Fashion, Modernity and the City Street
- Mikhail Bakhtin - Fashioning the Grotesque Body
- Maurice Merleau-Ponty - The Corporeal Experience of Fashion
- Erving Goffman - Social Science as Art of Cultural Observation
- Gilles Deleuze - Bodies-Without-Organs in the folds of fashion
- Michel Foucault - Fashioning the Body Politic
- Niklas Luhmann - Fashion between the Fashionable and Old-fashioned
- Pierre Boudrieu - The Field of Fashion
- Jacques Derrida - Fashion under Erasure
- Bruno Latour - Actor-Network-Theory and Fashion
- Judith Butler - Fashion and Performativity