Tell me what your character type is and I'll tell you who you'd play from RvB
Because lbr, this is easier
feeble scholar
my character type is 'the action girl'
johanssons: Moral or loyal?
Or chaotic
feeble scholar
all three? (thinking)
feeble scholar
probably loyal, if i have to pick one
I'd say Carolina, then!
You'll have to click, apparently
But anyway, she was the top agent in Project Freelancer until Tex came along, and as the Project broke down she remained loyal to its goals without knowing the unethical practices it was engaging in
Years later she returned after everyone thought she was dead with the aim of assassinating the Director of the program
This is a good Carolina-centric episode (about 7 minutes)
Season 10, Episode 12 - Out of Mind | Red vs. Blue
9, sorry
departed 👻
spergs, spunky asshole girls, and total shitlords
listen: I know you have said Wyoming but I definitely feel like you could handle a blood gulcher. Which one is tricky...:|a possibly Grif
Though Grif is like Shrek, he's got layers
departed 👻
departed 👻
i have had many a chuckle at grif
feeble scholar
she's even a redhead
feeble scholar
i'm sold
johanssons: I had a feeling, lol
feeble scholar
Carolina's a fun character to play off of as Tex, too. When Tex arrived at the Project she rocketed to first place on the leaderboard and Carolina struggled a lot with feelings of inadequacy and jealousy against her