[work] Also I have a bit of a personal dilemma and I'm not sure what to do about it.
So there's this thing I work on regularly as part of my job called surveys
I can get through about 10 an hour
We have 150 in the queue right now, and about 30 get added every day, so I'm pushing to get it down to 0 by December 31st, which is our deadline
The average time someone else in my department can do these is about 3 an hour, but I'm a very quick typer and know what I'm looking for
We need to spend 6 hours across the department every day on this thing to get it down to where we need it to be by the end of the deadline
So far I've been scheduling myself for four hours, and Stephanie's been scheduling herself for 2
And you can go into the report section of the database and see who's been completing what
And in the last 2 months, I've done 915 of these things and Stephanie's done 13
Yet she still puts herself down for 2 hours, every day
So I think she realizes that I'm so fucking fast and over-producing, that she can just bum around for 2 hours and not do anything
And it's not really. Affecting me any.
So do I just keep going at my pace? Talk to Stephanie? Talk to my boss? Just keep doing my thing?
It's annoying to have my boss go "Hey thanks you two for getting through all this!" but at the same time, I'm wondering if whining about it would just sabotage my relationship with both Stephanie and my boss
i stay silly :3
Talk to your boss.
i stay silly :3
i stay silly :3
maybe try talking to her first? but IDK exactly what your relationship with stephanie is like
It's a nice friendship. But she also has 15 years on me in experience and I'm sure she doesn't want some asshole kid telling her how to do her job
Like most of me is going "You shouldn't care what the fuck other people are doing, just do your own thing". It's annoying to be carrying the brunt of the work but it's not really my responsibility to give a shit about who's doing what
for a price
Is there any way you can nudge your boss into noticing the discrepancy themselves? Because if he/she manages you both and hasn't noticed then uh. damn.
Yeeeah she hasn't.
But that's par for the course for my boss
I think I'm going to ignore it. It's annoying, but it's not affecting me any and if I say anything it'll just make me look like a whiner and piss Stephanie off
no mortal blade
Yeah it’s the more frustrating option but given the situation, I’d ignore it
no mortal blade
If your boss wasn’t useless, maybe a different tack, but...
Legit. But venting it here eased some of the frustrations, so that's good at least
no mortal blade
Yes, venting is always good!
o\ Thanks! Thanks everyone for helping me vent
 HEROphelia 
Is it possible for one person to take all 6 hours? Because if it is, then Stephanie isn't just coasting, she's screwing your department on productivity in general. That may be the angle to come at it from. Ask Stephanie to stop scheduling herself so that you can take all 6 and if she refuses, talk to your boss and ask for some backup.
The annoying thing is, between how fast I am compared to how it averages out, I'm doing 6 hours of work in 4 hours. So the same amount of work is getting done regardless
And I'd like to take all six hours but I have other stuff I need to get done that only I'm trained on
And purposely slowing myself down to the average speed is just going to screw the department over in a different way
weh weh I'm a speedy person weh wow this sounds like such a humblebrag.
Yeah, I think it's just best to ignore it and keep doing my thing
It'd be nice if my boss ever catches on but bringing it up myself isn't going to help
I wouldn't call it a humble brag. I've been scolded for being too fast before. production jobs like that are weird
The thing is, when you work for four hours on a thing, every single day, you get pretty damn fast at it
So it's more like I'm familiar with the style of requests and can plow through them quicker than someone just jumping in blind
I don't know if it would work on your boss, but bringing it to their attention like "this report says i did 900 but she only did 13. that doesn't seem right, is the report working correctly?"
Yeah, I don't think that would go over, since it's not really my job to even be looking at that report. I check on it once a week to see how I'm keeping pace and if I'm on target for my own peace of mind, but it brings up everyone's numbers, not just mine
It's not a bad idea, but my bosses are pretty protective about their responsibilities and I don't want to make it look like I'm involved in everyone else's work
Like if I bring it up, they'll get defensive because they know they were supposed to be watching this thing but weren't, and might turn that around on me.
I've never seen one of them in particular ever apologize, even when she was clearly fucking up and had blamed other people and everyone knew it. :/
 HEROphelia 
You could just not do it for a couple of days? Let the numbers speak for themselves that way. I don't think it's petty, and that's because I know what it looks like from the other side of things. If you do the work, you should get the credit. If you are both being praised like equal effort is being put in, that isn't fair.
 HEROphelia 
Not only because the assumption that Stephanie is good at this might put pressure on her if she's ever solely tasked with something similar in the future, and could result in a missed deadline.
 HEROphelia 
Wrong type of business, I know, but if I were ever called to clean up a department like yours, stuff like what Stephanie is pulling would be one of my first concerns. It's misallocating resources. It's negligence at best. And I'm not just saying that because you are my friend.
This is a fair point, aye
Though I really can't stop doing it for a few days, if I leave the board empty my bosses will ping me in the morning going "uh, wtf, you know we need you on this"
take fewer hours?
I'll think about it a bit more. It's likely I'm just going to let it slide, but I might reevaluate
Not a bad idea. I just don't want to miss the deadline
yeah. it sucks that someone else is getting credit for something you're doing
your workplace also seems a mess in general
I can't imagine why I would have given anyone that idea
What a silly assumption to make