I am still....very concerned about that tree from last night.
Sunny Deerlight
Yeah, there is... nothing that really makes that better.

...... That's neither Seven of Nine NOR Marina Sirtis...................
Sunny Deerlight
I'm. What.
You know what? I love comics. I'm not talkin' about the ones in the paper, although those are great, too; I'm talkin' about graphic novels and manga and comic books. I love manga, and I loved manga growing up not because "they did the work for me" with their great illustrations and their dynamic art, but because they were fun to read.
There's this stigma around comics that, for me, started with a small guilt in my stomach that what I loved to read "weren't real books," just as audiobooks "aren't real books." But fuck that. I've held myself aloof from manga and comics since Mom would pooh-pooh them and sigh and try to get me to read "real books."
Fuck it. I won't be ashamed of something I really love. I'm going to buy comics. I'm going to buy non-superhero, non-mainstream, beautifully drawn, support-artists comics (and some mainstream ones, too, because goddamn it I love Hellboy and no one can stop me).
What was my Black Friday haul? I bought comics. I bought Hellboy and Nimona and Saga and The Wicked and the Divine and Monstress and I'm determined to dip my toe in further and further as I go. I won't be shamed out of my love of this medium anymore.
Sunny Deerlight
oh man what a fantastic haul!!
Sunny Deerlight
Nimona is amazing, ftr. So good.
Sunny Deerlight
I've not had the chance/ability to read W+D, Saga, or Monstress, but they have always looked great.
Sunny Deerlight
Other goodness in a similar vein you might like - Rat Queens.
Yesssssssssssssss I've been meaning to read that one--only so many money, man.
I'll bring W+D and Saga for you at Christmas if you want. I really want to keep my Monstress in good condition, though, so I don't want to pack it, but W+D reminded me of you so much and Saga made me think of Matt, tbqh. I don't know if that'll actually match up, but /shrug
Sunny Deerlight
Hm. There's a thought. idk that we have anything we could bring you in return except Runaways or Digger. And Digger's a complete omnibus. IE intimidatingly huge.
nahnahnah, I'm not talkin' a trade. You guys can just have them, nbd. I probably won't continue in Saga anyway, and W+D I don't mind buying again. It can be a combined kind of Christmas gift ('cause my ones for you guys are Boring)
Sunny Deerlight
hfhvufjrb DUDE. I meant to read while we were there! We're not taking your comics!
That works too, I just don't want you all to feel obligated to read the whole of them while you're there
Sunny Deerlight
Nah. No obligation. Just when we're all comfortably relaxing.