Zigzag Stampede
[RP] Guess who finally has a paid account.
Zigzag Stampede
About time because only having 15 was hard
Zigzag Stampede
My: wait until after January because end of the year tends to be expensive didn't last long when Vash's account also expired today
Zigzag Stampede
Because there is no way I can go back to 15 for Vash
Y u p.
Zigzag Stampede
And if I'm going to get hit with conversion fees anyway I figure: Let's do both the boys so I'm only hit with the fees ones
But yay, more icons! Not sure if I included this in the icon source links I buried you with last time but this site has been really great too, especially for the last two seasons!
Zigzag Stampede
And now that I'm off hold with my phone carrier company with nothing completed again because they are still useless eye twitch time for my next "adult" task.
Zigzag Stampede
Ooh! You did not! /adds this to my bookmark link
Boooo useless phone carrier companies.
Zigzag Stampede
I was suppose to get a credit on my account two months ago, but they keep failing to put it on -_-
Zigzag Stampede
8D And today their system is down because of course it is
Zigzag Stampede
Well, I got the paid accounts done at least while I was on hold for 30mins for them to tell me they couldn't help me. Soooo time not completely wasted?
^^^ Aaand just in time for Harvestfest and the Great Feels Bomb?
Zigzag Stampede
Yes! I was just starting to read that while I was on hold!