I made fruity CBD oil bath bombs tonight. Testing now and I feel gr8

Though it made me so relaxed I feel a bit like play doh and am so sleepy all in good ways

I should've taken this bath later

do you think the CBD makes a real difference?

It's night and day and sorta snuck up on me. I was relaxing and watching YouTube and now I feel like my can't move much because they're all relaxed and I almost instantly dozed off. It has a slightly strong pine scent too and I only used CBD with Mango and melon fragrance oils,

I like it but definitely feeling woozy /sleepy/relaxed

That sounds nice. I wonder if you'd need to adjust the 'potency' considering use or not.

Yeah I think mine was about two bath bombs worth. I'll definitely use less next time I think

❤ Brie ❤
patiently waiting for you to make the perfect bomb for this.

I want to experiment with this, I am intrigued