when u get a request for a phone screen from a place you submitted your resume and then discover the company has a score of 1.7 on glassdoor
I’m gonna do the phone call regardless, most of the negative reviews boil down to “good people, very bad upper management” so I’ll see what I think after talking to someone in HR
and like... idk at this point work is work? if I got hired, like, unless it turns out to be a really hostile environment or something I would really want to just deal while working on school and taking care of stuff that needs to be taken care of
(like barring another legitimately hostile manager)
and if the phone screen feels off I can just weigh the options if I get moved along in the process
𝓰𝓾𝓲𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓫𝓸𝓵𝓽
Remember too, mad people are way more likely to speak up than happy ones
yeah definitely!! I’m just wary after Actual Bad Management Experience lmao
basically I’ll just have my Weirdness Detector on for this phone call and see what happens
I try not to put tooooo much stock into glassdoor scores etc and intend to judge for myself, but since the reviews all basically said the same thing I figure there might be a kernel of truth in there somewhere is all