Panel Highlights Upright Orcs are available in Battle for Azeroth! 6 more character slots will open up per realm! You can increase the size of your backpack by using the Blizzard Authenticator. Legendary system not moving forward in 8.0. Void Elves will swap between forms. Anduin is not a Paladin.
Warfronts will have special Alliance and Horde armor. Warlords timewalking probably during Battle for Azeroth. Jaina is complicated and we are expanding her story more. Flying in Battle for Azeroth will work similar to Legion.
Q: Account-wide reputations maybe possible? A: Character vs Account is always a balance - we want you to have goals on more than once character. With content-based unlocks, we have focused on those being unlocked account wide. But things like reputations are meant to be a power progression that are tied to characters.
Q: Stat squish coming? Also is Anduin a paladin? A: Anduin is a Priest for sure, NOT a paladin. Yes we're doing a squish for all the same reasons as the Warlords squish but this time we're also squishing Item Levels.
Q: What was your thought process with your bringing back of raid buffs? A: We like them! We think they are cool. We like that moment of readiness, which has been lost. Also we're always looking at class uniqueness - buffs are a part of wanting to bring a wide variety of classes.
Q: Any updates to the character creation system coming? A: We agree with your assessment - we haven't been responding to that comment. We knew we would be doing Allied Races at some point so before we changed the stuff with character creation we wanted to know what we would need to add. We're going to take a look at that now.
Q: Is Jaina good or evil? A: Jaina is complicated. She is rapt with regret. Responsible for the death of her father, potentially responsible for the way the Horde is today, what about Stratholme or Undercity?
She's a character with some damage. We're going to explore that damage. We want to understand how she got to be the way she is and how to help her out of that.
Q: So many raid bosses have holes in their ceilings! Why? A: Functionally, it opens up the opportunity for no camera collision. Aesthetically it ties the raid to its real world location. Not because they don't like ceiling fans.
Q: With the Horde attacking Teldrassil and the Alliance attacking Undercity, what are your plans for starting zones? A: Starting zones won't change, other than improvements. In order to appreciate the burning of Teldrassil, you need to start there - grow up there
Q: Void Elves - Can players shift in and out of Void Form? A: Yes -- it won't be like shape shifting but yes, right now when they go into combat, they go void, but we may make it a toggle, we're not sure yet.
Q: Once the expansion is out, how soon will we be flying? A: About the same as Legion. Exploring the world and its details just work out better on the ground initially but we understand that flying is more convenient after you've seen all those nooks and crannies a number of times. We also like it as a great reward to work towards.
Q: What's going on with the quest log size limit? A: This is another thing we talk about all the time. There's a lot to look at here. We'd rather attack why you have so many quests in the first place! They are hard to track, and we don't want you to have to choose that way.
Q: When will you expand the default backpack? A: We are very close to allowing you to slightly increase your backpack size. We want you to use the authenticator so in some future patch, if you have an authenticator, you will be able to increase your backpack size slightly!
Q: What classes will be available to each Allied Race? A: They aren't directly related to existing races so class restrictions are not related either. We approached them like new races i.e. No Void Elf paladins.
Q: Are the 2 continents completely split between factions? A: Exodar and Silvermoon are still their own but we'll have fiction in place to explain how things work. Those two cities are sort of "Last bastions"
Q: Updated Worgen and Goblin character models? A: Not for 8.0 but we are actually currently working on them. We need to tweak goblins but they are pretty good. We know people are unhappy with the female worgens and we'll be offering more facial features eventually.
Well, I imagine the only place that's apt to not flying are the new ones and it's just as well you experience those areas from the ground, prior to gaining flight. If its akin to Legion's flight, by the time you deal with the quests there, you'll have it pretty much. But then I'm rather laid back when it comes to flying.
Upright Orcs are available in Battle for Azeroth!
6 more character slots will open up per realm!
You can increase the size of your backpack by using the Blizzard Authenticator.
Legendary system not moving forward in 8.0.
Void Elves will swap between forms.
Anduin is not a Paladin.
Warlords timewalking probably during Battle for Azeroth.
Jaina is complicated and we are expanding her story more.
Flying in Battle for Azeroth will work similar to Legion.
A: Character vs Account is always a balance - we want you to have goals on more than once character. With content-based unlocks, we have focused on those being unlocked account wide. But things like reputations are meant to be a power progression that are tied to characters.
A: Anduin is a Priest for sure, NOT a paladin. Yes we're doing a squish for all the same reasons as the Warlords squish but this time we're also squishing Item Levels.
A: We like them! We think they are cool. We like that moment of readiness, which has been lost. Also we're always looking at class uniqueness - buffs are a part of wanting to bring a wide variety of classes.
A: We agree with your assessment - we haven't been responding to that comment. We knew we would be doing Allied Races at some point so before we changed the stuff with character creation we wanted to know what we would need to add. We're going to take a look at that now.
A: Jaina is complicated. She is rapt with regret. Responsible for the death of her father, potentially responsible for the way the Horde is today, what about Stratholme or Undercity?
A: Functionally, it opens up the opportunity for no camera collision. Aesthetically it ties the raid to its real world location. Not because they don't like ceiling fans.
lmaoA: Starting zones won't change, other than improvements. In order to appreciate the burning of Teldrassil, you need to start there - grow up there
A: Yes -- it won't be like shape shifting but yes, right now when they go into combat, they go void, but we may make it a toggle, we're not sure yet.
A: About the same as Legion. Exploring the world and its details just work out better on the ground initially but we understand that flying is more convenient after you've seen all those nooks and crannies a number of times. We also like it as a great reward to work towards.
A: This is another thing we talk about all the time. There's a lot to look at here. We'd rather attack why you have so many quests in the first place! They are hard to track, and we don't want you to have to choose that way.
A: We are very close to allowing you to slightly increase your backpack size. We want you to use the authenticator so in some future patch, if you have an authenticator, you will be able to increase your backpack size slightly!
A: No, sorry. It's a pure example of that Allied Race.
A: They aren't directly related to existing races so class restrictions are not related either. We approached them like new races i.e. No Void Elf paladins.
A: Play through the stories! There is a lot of context for this and it will be explained.
A: Exodar and Silvermoon are still their own but we'll have fiction in place to explain how things work. Those two cities are sort of "Last bastions"
A: Not for 8.0 but we are actually currently working on them. We need to tweak goblins but they are pretty good. We know people are unhappy with the female worgens and we'll be offering more facial features eventually.
A: Yes, we'll increase it. Allied Races means 6 more slots per server!