Love Snake Kaja
A thought about my trans teen psychic.
Love Snake Kaja
Being a mindreader likely made her more aware of her own trans status.
Love Snake Kaja
Leading her to insist from an early age that she was a girl.
Love Snake Kaja
Her family were actually pretty pro-GLBT (but ironically enough wary of psychics).
Love Snake Kaja
She then went to a rather open school (open because it's a school for psychics, who tend to be rather iconclastic).
Love Snake Kaja
What I'm saying is she got HRT approved at the start of her puberty and never really experienced developing masculine characteristics.
Love Snake Kaja
She was basically lucky to live in a more accepting culture.
want to compare and contrast teen psychics?
Love Snake Kaja
Sure thing. Who's your teen psychic?