[ffxiv] I'll be putting up another O1S learning/clear party at about 6pm EST (10pm GMT) tonight! anyone on Aether is more than welcome

god the week between the clocks going back here and then in the US always fucks me up bad tho

Queen Bun
oh I'll come! I've beaten it and can help teach folks

that would be great dassah
do you want me to plurk ping you when I put it up?

we got to enrage last time but stacking the deck never hurts

Queen Bun
yeah that'd be great

Queen Bun
make sure to replurk this a bit later in the day too, since it's pretty early

Queen Bun
I'll MT for ya

oh, I was learning mt last time, we had another person along who was tank locked

but if you have a strong preference I can switch

Queen Bun
I can OT then, or show you then let you? whichever you like

Queen Bun
what tank do you run?

Queen Bun
and dost thou have a Discord

you're on my discord lmao, it's skarme#1667 (i'm in the hades discord too)

my pld and war are identical ilvl but i'm a little bit better at the pld rotation

also our tank-locked dude last time only had war at 70, so i ran pld for that

Queen Bun
oh right!

Queen Bun
yeah I only have pld 70'd. one day I will axe people questions

Queen Bun
but it is possible to double PLD it. it does make the lb bar slower though

for o1s i don't think double comp matters very much

esp when like 80% of pug dps seem to play rdm...

I just wanna clear so I can pug it next week

Queen Bun
yeah O1S, once you get it down, is a cakewalk

Queen Bun
you just have to get used to it

Queen Bun
and always watch out for clamp lol

Queen Bun
fun fact! You can Hallowed Ground Clamp

Queen Bun
and if a shield negates all the damage you're good

Queen Bun
but uh I just HG one particular one

bumping this

Queen Bun
home now but may nap before raid

Queen Bun
we can use my personal server for voice if we do that

Queen Bun
because boy howdy does that make it easier

I have one too but idk that we'll need it

we're waiting on a couple peeps before I throw the pf up but this will be live... Soon

Queen Bun
cool beans

Queen Bun
I'm loading on an alt real fast but will be on Neph shortly

Queen Bun
ping me

Queen Bun
shoot...my game is being a jerk


Queen Bun
lemme relog, see if that helps

pf is up! description is the one with snake butt, password 0989


Queen Bun
still trying to make this thing work

we can hang on if you need?

Queen Bun
yeah gimme a moment

Queen Bun
I think it's finally calming its crap down

Queen Bun
ok there