Frozen Time
[voltron, no spoilers] So, like, the Galra slave uniform, it's a skintight body suit with a loose crop top over it, right? And when we briefly see pre-war civilian Galra in S3, they're rocking, like, this poncho look. So, like... do the Galra consider chests immodest???

Frozen Time
These are the important questions I ask myself about my canon.

Frozen Time
Yeah, like, none of the Galra armor is really, like, tight in the chest area, either, though I suppose that's not really, like. atypical.

Frozen Time
idk I'm just going to keep giggling to myself at the idea that Shiro's pecs are just too saucy for the Galra.

Frozen Time
His hipbones, naw, those are fine to show off, but not his pecs

Frozen Time
it's a good question, okay

Frozen Time
...I bet Alteans don't have nipples, either.

dragon time
Coran whips off his shirt and there's a second pair of eyes instead

Frozen Time
foxfire why