duck bastard
[cat owner life/tmi] Hm
duck bastard
I think Vriska is having trouble using the bathroom
duck bastard
She keeps going over to the litterbox, sitting down for ages, but nothing has come out, I think
duck bastard
and just now after another failed attempt, she made a low unhappy mmmmmmrrrrr sound that usually only Nepeta makes
Kitty constipation is a thing. :/ If it keeps up for long, she definitely needs to see a vet.
It MAY be stress from the new kitty, though.
... New animals in general.
Kitties do not like change. At all.
duck bastard
New kitty is still over in the storage shed and they only met once, but maybe..... 8Ta
New doggo too. Just keep an eye on her.
duck bastard
oh yeah, jordie as well. Hrm.
filler d'arc
canned pumpkin is a godsend in my experience
filler d'arc
a little bit with her food for the fiber
duck bastard
Really? Huh!
filler d'arc
I went to the vet expecting pills and instead was prescribed pumpkin.....
i fed mine a little olive oil the one time he had constipation. it seemed to help
plant jesus
They also sell various pills and goops for help with hairballs that are essentially just laxatives, although I'd personally start with something more gentle like the pumpkin.
Zestium Beam!
yeah i third the pumpkin. just get a can of it in the grocery store, unsweetened
duck bastard
She cleaned herself the first time she failed and she's doing it again, and I'm like.... Vriska I'm not sure that's going to help
plant jesus
Plus, bonus, with the pumpkin you give her just a tablespoon and you can eat the rest!
duck bastard
lmao true and tis the season
Yessss canned pumpkin mixed in their food will clear it up in no time
duck bastard
She is making a try again, the third or fourth time
duck bastard
godspeed, vris....
duck bastard
Vriska is not about that pumpkin life
kokoro brokero
Is she trying to go number 2, or isn't urinating? My cat did the same thing with urination and had a bladder infection, so it'll depend on what she's trying to do.
duck bastard
I couldn't tell. Vriska does the same pose either way
duck bastard
but she did just pee although I'm not sure if she's touched the pumpkin
duck bastard
so that's something
kokoro brokero
That's good on the pee. Was it very much?
duck bastard
It seems like the regular amount, far as I can tell!
kokoro brokero
That's a good sign, at least.
kokoro brokero
Did she go back again shortly afterward? Anya kept trying to go again and again.
duck bastard
She hasn't come back yet, but a while ago she was doing that
duck bastard
like she's tried a good few times this morning
kokoro brokero
Hm . . . Yeah, keep an eye on her. See if you can get a sense of which she's trying to go and how successful she is at it.
The fact that she finally did pee makes me think she's probably just having stress issues culminating in one rage-filled stream... But definitely keep an eye on her just the same.
duck bastard
Will do!
duck bastard
We thought she was getting better with Jordie but who knows there 8Ta
kokoro brokero
Yeah, she's had some big environment changes. Cats are definitely not good with those, as someone noted above. :/
ɪ ᴀᴍ ɪʀᴏɴ ᴍᴀɴ
I'd try fish oil if she doesn't go for the pumpkin. also, 1/8 tsp miralax just to get things moving
ɪ ᴀᴍ ɪʀᴏɴ ᴍᴀɴ
as long as she's hydrated, an osmotic laxative should give her more immediate relief than fiber
duck bastard
She sniffed at the pumpkin for like ten seconds but still didn't eat it
duck bastard
duck bastard
although she hasn't done anymore visits to the litterbox so I'm wondering if the pee was it 8Ta
kokoro brokero
We can hope!
duck bastard
Do you have any canned wet food? You can try mixing the pumpkin with it and that might get her to eat it
Little did James know, for the rest of her life, Vriska would demand pumpkin with every meal.
duck bastard
And yeah, we have like a single can, so I'll consider that later if she keeps being stubborn
Yeah once she tries it there's a very good chance she'll be hooked
Zelda had the same problem so I mixed some into her food and oh god she wouldn't leave me alone
duck bastard
She went again, and it was pee once more, no problems
kokoro brokero
Good. So probably can rule out the bladder infection, at least. Which is good -- Anya's was a pain and a half to get rid of.