Tell me about murdergames
I've read a few things here and there - I saw where someone mentioned murdergames are the modern ecats games
and i know they run for a limited period of time with a limited cast
But that's about all I know
A Dracula
That’s basically it; it’s a contained story that also involves weekly murder
A Dracula
: Oh! So there's a murderer as part of the plot?
A Dracula
The deaths are rolled 1-2 weeks in advance and the mods help the involved players plan out the murders in secret
A Dracula
and then (in the format I’m familiar with) on Friday there’s a body discovery
A Dracula
and the players have to gather the clues of the crime scene, kind of like twitch plays ace attorney
A Dracula
and then on Saturday the mods post a formal trial
A Dracula
where the characters ICly figure out what happened and who did it
A Dracula
and then the culprit is executed
A Dracula
There’s a different murderer for every weekly case!
Oh, I see
Looks like, according to dwmasterlist, there's only 2 games rn?
A Dracula
there’s usually an overarching mastermind behind bringing them all to one place in the first place
A Dracula
and there’s always a Final Investigation and Mastermind trial but the win conditions for these are different for every game
A Dracula
most murdergames have a Golden Ending which involves somehow the characters who died get to come back to life
A Dracula
Uhhhhh I think there’s 3?
A Dracula
Trustfell, Airlocked, And Foolish Mortals
I guess because of the premise it's the sort of thing you have to app to when it's opening, though
A Dracula
Trustfell is in its final round, Airlocked is in its last round before a holiday hiatus (and then our final round is only open to prior survivors) and Foolish Mortals is in its second round of 3, 4 total
A Dracula
yeah, you have to pay attention to when apps open
A Dracula
none of them have open apps, though, you have to reserve
the master list also lists ukimiya, but it doesn't seem to be running rn
A Dracula
(source: I’ve been in two murdergames and I’ve modded uhhhhh this will be my 9th)
I'm looking at EMP and there are none listed?
It seems like a thing where people rely on word-of-mouth?
A Dracula
It mostly is
A Dracula
when a new one or a really niche one is trying to get off the ground they’ll advertise around a little
It feels like DWRP kind of has this niche of murdergame peeps that you have to be in with in the first place in order to hear about them
A Dracula
...after I accidentally pioneered the genre of the weekly Danganronpa/Ace Attorney style murdergame I don’t have to advertise mine too much
I'm interested because I used to be quite the boomeranger when I played exclusively in museboxes, but things in games and PSLs these days seem different
People don't want short little boomeranged tags
A Dracula
WELL normally I would enable you to mine but unfortunately the last open round of Airlocked had reserves last week
's cool
A Dracula
but if any test drives or interest checks cross my TL I’ll replurk and ping you for it
I'm sure another will come along, I just apparently need to keep my ear to the ground since they don't advertise
A Dracula
It’s...an addicting style
A Dracula
I will help because like half my tl I know from murdergames so my ear is practically glued to the ground at this point
Nice, thanks!
A Dracula
I know Foolish Mortals is having a Non-Disney Animation round next summer, if you wanted to see if maybe RvB is appable
A Dracula
...also while I’m here
A Dracula
if Airlocked gets golden end, there’s gonna be a semi-open party log after the last roun
A Dracula
and I’m letting you know this because we have both Alpha and Connie
I saw Alpha's player's plurk about what if he had a chance to talk to Tex again
A Dracula
A Dracula
...we also have Price as an NPC but he would probably Rather Die honestly
lmao that's hilarious because the other character I was thinking I could play is Leonard
I put him on a TDM once but haven't played him too much
A Dracula
I mean
A Dracula
each non NPC will be allowed two close castmates
A Dracula
And there’s not really a character limit
A Dracula
At the party
A Dracula
There’ll be a signup ooc post but that’s basically so we can take roll and make sure we know who’s coming and with what usernames
A Dracula
At some point I am going to mod a murdergame with the appability requirement that all characters must be a parent so that would be a good one for the director down the line