witch people
[LOOKING FOR ROOMMATE IN CALI] Hey, guys - a dear friend is in need of a place to live by the end of the month. If anybody is looking for, or knows somebody looking for, a roommate in the downtown LA/Hollywood/Wilshire area, please let us know? EDIT: Extending search to around San Diego, if anyone can put her up temporarily around there?
witch people
Can't do cats or dogs, and ideally looking to pay around $600/month.
witch people
Signal boosts are appreciated.
witch people
Pinging you here in case you have anything else to add - and also in case anybody wants to contact her directly instead of going through me
witch people
Bump the first. Please, please, please share if you can.
Bump the first from me. HIIIII! waves I am the friend and in kinda dire straits (time-wise). If you have any leads, please let me know
witch people
nudges this into view again and also hugs for everyone who's shared, thank you
witch people
Bump before bed, since my sleep schedule is ridiculous right now
witch people
pokes this again
witch people
UPDATED BUMP If not around LA, if there's anybody who has room around San Diego for somebody to crash for a little bit so she can get some extra time to find a place, that would also be really helpful.
Revenge Guac
Do you have facebook? I ask because there's a women's housing group there - you may have more luck there, and I can probably invite you.
witch people
I thought you had one but I'm not sure
Beth Wilde, yep. I'm on a woman's housing group, but if there's more it can't hurt to check all options. Thank you
Revenge Guac
Revenge Guac
The one I'm part of is "Inspired women of los angeles - housing." First post has a room in weho for $694 starting on 11/1.
Living in the San Diego area, I wish I could say I knew of some leads to pass along. If that changes, though, I'll do just that.
That's the one I know too. I'm aiming for $650 or less. My work is mainly at-home website testing and I've applied to do transcription work as well. I don't have a full time job and my part time is VERY part time, ie every couple months or so for 2-5 days
I appreciate the help, ya'll
witch people
<3 Everyone sharing this is awesome, thank you