Dr. BeardoPuff
I've put up a hiatus for the first two weeks of the month. I have barely posted in the last week as it is, what with the trip and all.
Dr. BeardoPuff
I leave my apartment tomorrow at 9:30am for the airport, arrive (ideally) at 10:30, and fly out at 12:55.
Dr. BeardoPuff
I'll get back on Sunday evening, late.
Dr. BeardoPuff
And then spend a week playing catch-up with work.
a turtle
have fuuuunnnn
Dr. BeardoPuff
I will give
Coffee Zombie
two high fives for you.
Have fun!!!!
enjoy yourself and take care!!!
Dr. BeardoPuff
Gonna... give the paper.
Dr. BeardoPuff
Gonna. Not drink any beer or eat any bacon or sausages while in Ireland.
Coffee Zombie
Damn. That's... pretty much all there is to do here. ^^;
Dr. BeardoPuff
Doing those things will render me unable to walk.
Dr. BeardoPuff
So. I abstain so that I can continue to move. It's a sad life.