Discount Gligar

Throwing in my hat for Inktober by doing a rendition of one of my favorite covers.
Discount Gligar
This is a photo from my sketchbook rather than a scan so excuse any weird little tweak fails
Ooooh very nicely done! And happy Japan-birthday!
Discount Gligar
Thank you XD
Thx everybody!
at least he's courteous
Thx everybody!
and he's solving littering problems :-D
Discount Gligar
True and true XD
Discount Gligar
Calling I a♥D♥o♥r♥y♥m♥ to this one and you know why
I a♥D♥o♥r♥y♥m♥
Hee, nice!
Discount Gligar
Reusing this plurk for the next one, it needs a little more editing (I'm just gonna darken some lines, though I might just redraw it) but

Inktober day 2, after this cover. Since apparently I'm just going to be redoing various duck covers for this instead of using prompts XD
Discount Gligar
I'm also not going to post every day, probably in batches, but I had this one already on the computer so I had to share it too
XD Very nicely done!