[work] venting and nonsense

so my boss has been on my case all week to get the content built out for this site so he has "something to show" the client

there is not a lot of content, like maybe a paragraph per page. we have photos but none of them are labeled and it's an industry I'm not familiar with

the pages where the content is database driven on the other hand look like a mess because I haven't gotten a chance to actually you know, design them, what with all the other fires I've been putting out on the regular

so I've been working on that but the past couple days he's been all "jen I need you working on this site!!!1"

okay cool, okay. But I go to throw the content up, simple c&p job, and ........ all the pages already have content on them???

so i just ... like ... WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO?

he probably just wants me to dress it up with these unlabeled pictures or something?? try to make it look like more than a paragraph even though the tools to make things look good are broken af and no matter how many times I request that hey, can we just ... Make this tool so that we can change the colors it doesn't get done

we haven't been able to change text colors. like ever. do you know how vital this is to design

and it makes me feel like an idiot because I make these designs that not just look decent but have a purpose to them. there is a choice to every single pixel and when it gets imported to the new cms we just. can't. and they don't understand that this isn't just decoration. the colors and sizes of the text and background are all actually really important.

so, not to be melodramatic about it, but I feel like my work is getting tossed on the floor and stomped on every time we try to recreate it with this cms. I put fricking effort into this and it's like. why.

Ugh that is not cool. I am sorry :x

Working tools are important!!

I finally just asked him what he wants me to do and he gave me a list so that's something but like ... he tells me "build out the content" and this list does not actually include building content .....

I'm not being willfully obstinate with it this time. I'm using the workarounds that I have available, I am making it work to the best of my ability with this broken system

this must be how Steve feels about the whole barge

Alas. It is, but that means it's not how people should feel in real life!

this could be a really beautiful thing if we all effing communicated and I don't actually want to be in charge I just want everyone to understand each other ;;;;
