Results are in from the player vote! The intermediaries will be imprisoned in the immediate aftermath of the logged fight.
(more inside)
Any players who still wish to use that section of the OOC post to establish their character's reactions are welcome to do so! However, it should be presumed that the less murderous group prevails--
whether through reasoned discussion, or actively obstructing their counterparts.
As an additional note: we received a question about the upcoming setting change that seemed pertinent to multiple players.
While certain specifics are unfolding within the current plot, anyone interested in a more general idea of what Arc III's setting will look like can find some information in the response here.
No plot spoilers are present at the link, but rough information about several aspects of the setting are included.
For those interested in observing as some of the more plot-related elements unfold... we recommend following the exploits of your away team.
departed 👻
well that's alarming
departed 👻
(the away team log i mean, i totally forgot to track it)
birds gotta fly, flesh goop gotta ooze~