jo ltik
[reign/shame ships/mindless self-indulgence/early s2 spoilers/overly long subject headers] okay i have a craving rn for some Mary/Lola fanworks i realize it's not historically accurate you know what else isn't historically accurate clairvoyant ghosts
jo ltik
which is like, i feel like they are gonna roll back at least some that before the season's done and offer like, plausible non supernatural reasons
jo ltik
like oh The Darkness was attracting rats to the corpses and that's why the plague came after they stopped him probably doesn't stand up to close scrutiny but I can roll with it
jo ltik
but The Darkness knowing there'd be a meteor shower on the night the plague returned is just like
jo ltik
there's magic now
jo ltik
which fine
jo ltik
but i really get the sense they're gonna walk this stuff with the torn veil back some and cool but like if they're gonna be like oh our show has no direct evidence of the supernatural occurring it's gonna be one of those things like
jo ltik
it does though
jo ltik
OR, the other thing I've been binge half-watching is Stargate so
jo ltik
maybe it's aliens
jo ltik
or just like crazy good human technology they never knew about
jo ltik
second sidenote i feel like i like this show more than I quote unquote should but I like a decent number of the characters and the show pretty much IS the characters so
jo ltik
also i guess they could with doctor who type 'oh they're all just psychic humans are psychic donchaknow'