parents - esp parents of teenagers: Do you/did you allow your teenager to have friends over in their room and let them keep their door shut?
Agent Sulky
Agent Sulky
Think of it this way, they are in your house, safe, and only gonna do things that they would do anyway, and in a less safe environment
My mother-in-law suggested that I start to have my 10yo have her door open when she has friends over so when she is a teenager, she is used to that policy. I'm pretty sure that I had friends over all the time when I was a teenager with the door shut.
And when she told me this, I was feeling really irritated that I personally had little privacy/private space at the moment so it really bothered me but I couldn't separate out if that was my feelings atm or just in general.
Agent Sulky
Is it awkward....sure, but I would rather be awkward and hope for the best, than worried and imagining the worst
Agent Sulky : yes, it seems like it will be a balance between letting her have her own independence and grow that, and still having to watch out for them. I know she had one friend who even at 4 I watched that kid ALL time because she was a little shit, but now her friends I trust them, maybe it will be like that? like there are some friends where it's
like, nope open that door, or ?
Yes of course.They are entitled to privacy
I don't know, was just hoping to sound out other people. My mother-in-law is all freaked out about that blue whale thing. LIke OMG the kids these days! (eyeroll)
Free Star🌟💫🔥
The rule in my dad's house was if it was a same sex friend then it didn't matter but an opposite sex friend door must be open.
Whiskey says
I did. It wasn't an issue. When they were older teens, they had boyfriends sleep over. We were very open and honest with each other so it wasn't a big deal.
Trust is key. They are going to do what they are going to do no matter what. Doors are not going to stop a thing
Free Star🌟💫🔥
I just kept thinking if I was gay then it would be awesome. LOL 😂
yes i do
My mom never made us keep the door opened, but she would do a check in here and there.
Free Star🌟💫🔥 : works well if you are bi too, as I know from experience, LOL
thanks everyone, it was good to read other's experiences and see that my initial feeling wasn't wrong
I had friends over with the door shut. I even walked out of my room once when my dad got home and then a guy friend walked out and my dad goes "So you are who she has been hiding under the bed." Thanks dad.