Princess Emily
republicans are monsters
where's the lie tho
Princess Emily
so apparently trump sided with democrats on a spending / debt ceiling deal, mostly in response to the hurricanes to secure what is needed
Princess Emily
which is like, actually moral, for once
Princess Emily
but the rest of his republican buddies are fucking pissed
Princess Emily
and I'm just like
Princess Emily
THIS is what you're going to go to war with trump about?
Princess Emily
making sure people dealing with a disaster get relief?
Princess Emily
you fucking monsters
as people have noted, Pelosi: milquetoast democrat, but also stone-cold badass politician
Nancy Pelosi is probably the greatest parliamentarian of our lifetime
yeah, Republicans always ran as obstructionists, not law makers
especially the current crop who only seem to know how to stop a black man
yeah that's one thing I do agree about. Trump understanding the need for fast action.
but thats both a good and bad thing since he still doesn't have the patience for the processes that need to take awhile.
but at LEAST he understands "Oh shit. Everything is literally broken by a horrible natural disaster. Number one priority is to fix it now."
yes its a gross oversimplification but i'm still in shock over the idiocy of some of these republicans
I honestly think it's much more simple than that.
Trump wants something to sign.
He loves having signing ceremonies. He loves the attention, he loves he pageantry.
Princess Emily
that makes sense
Princess Emily
trump is always worried about his image
Princess Emily
of course he'll want to make sure he's seen doing something to appear like he's helping
Princess Emily
"give me something to sign to help with these hurricanes"
Princess Emily
republicans: "no"
Princess Emily
democrats: "here you go"
Striving Spark
he's a horrible being. but in this particular case he's better than. any. other republican president.
Oldest Dream
I believe I read that he also agreed to a proposal to effectively eliminate the debt ceiling.
I'm so on board for the timeline where Trump fans go to war with the congressional GOP
To be fair Geoffrey had better hair
the debt ceiling is for three months
than when it gets back
long as the Dems don't fucking drop the ball they can use it as leverage against the Republicans, but that requires the Ds to not drop the ball
also he probably wants a "fuck you" to mcconnell and ryan who he currently has on his shit list for failing him on healthcare
Striving Spark
The president sucks at being a republican politician, i mean he ran on a platform of not knowing what the fuck he was doing in politics
Striving Spark
And at this precise moment the confluence of his not knowing what he's doing, his desire to look good, and his desire to stick it to his own party MIGHT just lead to a crucial turning point where we can finally remove the party's support of him
Striving Spark
for all the worse reasons
Odd Democratic Slogan for 2018: "We actually got shit done when in a total minority. What's your Republican done for you lately?"
lol if you think the democrats have any concept of effective messaging
I see the Democratic slogan still being "Please vote for us. If you were running we'd vote for you."
I know they don't and it hurts