I'm soooo glad the eclipse is tomorrow... I'm kinda over hearing about it every time I turn on the news
i feel like im the only one who is like.. meh. about it. i mean i might look out the window when it gets dark, but not going to go out of my way to see it or anything lol
there's a 50/50 chance I'll sleep through it as I'm nocturnal. I'm not in the path of totality, and it's expected to be cloudy here anyway
its supposed to be like 95% totality here i think, and not cloudy or anything.. but i still cbb haha. i did at least look online at the walmart and best buy here to see if they had glasses and when they didnt i was like meh.
its funny, i saw an article saying that it was a once in a lifetime thing and then it said "the next total eclipse is in 7 years"
Having watched 95% totality on a clear day, having friends who watched totality with cloud cover and others who saw totality in a clear sky I would say DO watch it.
It is an incredible experience. The silence as darkness takes over (even under 95%) is different to any other silence. The night-time creatures are still asleep and the daytime creatures fall silent.
The darkness is strange too. Friends who saw totality but under cloud cover reported that the clouds go black. Not the usual dark grey, but black, with a gold
edge that gradually fades, then minutes later the other edge begins to glow.
95% brings other experiences - go and look at the
patches of sunlight through leaves - each one a perfect crescent.
The most amazing aspect though is one's own internal primal reaction. The rational, civilised, knowledgeable you disappears and the ancient, primitive part of your brain takes over and there is a moment when you feel scared - right through and through.
Everyone I have spoken to felt that to some degree - the fear that the light has gone away for ever.
There was one 5-6 years ago here that we were in totality for. And it was cool, but... eh. Also, everywhere like EVERYWHERE has been sold out of the special glasses for a while. Last time we did double welding helmets (welding helmet over welding helmet lol) but that was cumbersome as hell
On a funny note - we really should have started weeks ago, telling the right-wing, bible bashing, misogynist, racists that god is really unhappy with them and f they don't change he will blot out the sun.
I was lucky to be still working at he university science library at the time and therefore surrounded by university science departments with equipment. There were lots of telescopes out in the parks, including one on the grass right outside the library, projecting the eclipse directly onto large screens.
We watched a transit of Venus the same way.