[some description of suicidal ideation]Home and fed and questions answered and I did promise a truth or dare response but first PLANS.
now these are all subject to change but
the most likely outcome of the meetup on 269 is that Enoch will withdraw. He can't handle causing people so much distress (read: Rhys and probably Billy, but he suspects he may cause distress through their connections) just by being near them.
There's already a lot of talk in his narration describing his actions as "seeking permission to just exist" or the like
and that isn't necessarily he feels he shouldn't exist?
it's more like he doesn't want to inflict any more pain on people and he's going to go somewhere people aren't likely to wind up accidentally, so if they're going to meet him, it will be on their terms
(these thoughts are obviously a lot less ordered in his mind than they are here, I'm just describing his motivations so that, oocly, we're clear this isn't leading to a suicide plot, because it won't without some sort of extra push)
(and it'd have to be one hell of a push because when Enoch does get intrusive thoughts of that nature they don't manifest like that, it's always attached to the chance of fatal failure rather than direct action)
(e.g., "I suppose I'll find out if this is safe to eat one way or another")
anyway I'm getting off track here
so about a couple days in he'll probably hit up the network with some rambling because guess fucking what, he can't actually handle isolation.
that's when he'll say where he is and if anyone wants to meet him they can come
If talk is productive he'll probably sponsor a supply cache - the tunnels are cleaned of abandoned items, but items in a character's possession are never taken.
again, everything's subject to change. For all I know the coterie meetup will set him down a different path entirely
but this is where most of my considerations led
sad hermiting, from a person who is not emotionally equipped to actually be a hermit.
should be fun!
he will probably recover on his own in time, either by someone else giving him a kick or by outside events, or just getting autophobic enough he ditches his little tunnels camp and seeks company despite it all.
("autophobic" is kind of a strange name for the fear of isolation. It sounds like fear of oneself but it's not.)
💠ᴛʜᴇ ʙʟᴜᴇ.
If you do make that post, Wilson will bug him because he's nosy.
Sounds good to me! If it's going up, it'll be going up the moment I know how 269 plays out for him!
(he could probably use the reminder to not sleep all day tbh)
(it's pitch black in the tunnels all the time and there's no lockdown and he's depressed, his body has no clue wtf)
...okay since the dead end markers aren't staying I think he's going to hole up in the corner of the loop in AA5
under the assumption that people will attempt to navigate the maze by keeping a hand on a wall, and they're doing this coming from hub 3.
meaning they're likely to start navigating via the south wall
and never hit the branch that leads to the loop
he doesn't know enough about the surrounding tunnels to make judgments based on people coming the other direction or where navigation from any other hubs will lead
(he has also failed to account for people not knowing that navigation trick, obviously)
hub 3, I meant.
thank god for plurk coins
I mean. still don't know for sure but it is still most likely so good to have plans. Making them doesn't mean at all this is definitely what I'm doing!