Corpse Sniffer
hahaa...im probably gonna be literally broke from ordering my textbooks b/c even with my looking for deals on amazon and what not, theres an online code thingy that costs 200 dollars and i dont think ill be able to find it anywhere else

Corpse Sniffer
i dont even know if im gonna be able to get a job or internship even soon hahah

Corpse Sniffer
ill have like 3 dollars left to my name i swear

might help?

Corpse Sniffer
oo i was looking for something like this i shall poke around

Corpse Sniffer
i did find one pdf

Corpse Sniffer
i swear if i ever get arrested im gonna have to tell the other innmates that i pirated books

It's legal to get pdfs for school.

By pirating.

Bing Bong
Ugh textbooks are terrible >< so expensive

Corpse Sniffer
i want to set it all on fire tbh