zalghost ♈
zalghost ♈
someone please app ganondorf i need that surname CR
zalghost ♈
railehatesfun LuffyDan were either of you guys still interested by any chance? if not that's fine i'm just curious
zalghost ♈
okiedoke! there's a Twilight Princess Link on the workshop as well so there's that :-D
zalghost ♈
mangemad dyou think zelda and rin coulda gone to the same private school? idr how old he is but
zalghost ♈
luftballons and i imagine mari and zelda might know each other on account of Rich Parents
zalghost ♈
haha yeah i feel like it looks weird but the pun was too fun to pass up
zalghost ♈
i wonder what "sheik" is gonna be called before she remembers that name though
zalghost ♈
cause the only thing called "sheik" that i know of outside zelda is the iron sheik from wrestles
zalghost ♈
and literally all i know about wrestles is stuff i remember poorly from SBFP