Bright Star
[Hadriel] Actually making an app for Wyatt... pretty sure the mods won't allow him to bring the Book of Shadows or Excalibur eh?
I dont see why the book of shadows would be a problem?
looks at he FAQ about excalibur
It has to be something he's carrying at the moment though.
So he could be looking up something in the book easily
I dont see anything in the FAQ about weapons.There's no power cap as long as you dont destroy the game :-D
I'm really tempted to give Wyatt Seel as a charge. He could use the help.
Bright Star
Yeah but the sword kinda makes someone Invincible. Also, bringing the Book does pose the whole aspect of people trying to steal it.
Bright Star
Considering the canon points I can bring him from, he doesn't wield either item.
Bright Star
I'm not sure what Seel may be
hmmmm yeah. Excalibur would be a problem.
but the book if you wanted it, could always protect itself.Or it might just be easier not too.
Seel is one of my other characters in Hadriel.He's a.....magical hermaprhodite who is a giant elitist shit and has had a ton of issues in his life. I just took him after his kid was tortured. and everyone in hadriel from his home hates him. He's not in a good place.
Bright Star
Yeah his powers ought to protect him from most dangers. Spells and potions are usually only required for more difficult foes. So he might be okay. Also considering his ability to get knowledge fast from reading he may already remember stuff from the book he have read
Yeah, he's probably watched Piper make them too so he's grown up with certain potions
Bright Star
As for Seel. I'm not sure he'd classify as Charge material as I don't know that canon.
Bright Star
want me to read it over?
Bright Star
Yeah I'd like that
I'll turn it into a google doc and color code my changes for you
Bright Star
there ya go!
Bright Star
I don't know how to make a bulletpoint list ib html tho
lemme look it up, i did it for Seel's....
yeah okay so...
i thik there's an option in rich text too!
Bright Star
I don't tent to use Rich text but thanks will try
Bright Star
OK. So yeah I got nothing when it comes to whether Excalibur made it easier for him or not, or more on his potential for evil. I know it was a shitty future but it doesn't necessary feel relevant for a good Wyatt. He was traumatized, and Piper died on him.
Bright Star
But yeah
Bright Star
I gave it a shot as I updated the app.