Spider Hider
Hey, lacerata, this here's a broad question but please recommend an anime!
Spider Hider
I really enjoyed Shiro Bako and Sakura Quest on your say-so. I like the slice-of-lifey ones.
Spider Hider
Browsing for my own cartoons is dicey, though, without the guidance of persons whose taste I trust. There is a LOT of creepy shit. And a lot of anime fans seem to enjoy it specifically for the creep factor.
anal railgun
i would also recommend eccentric family! it is ... not quite slice of life, but it marries the way in which shiro bako & sakura quest approach real life to a magical-realist story about family ties & generational neuroses.
anal railgun
also in the "not quite slice of life but it approaches its narrative with the same spirit" category is the genuinely predictive near-future "augmented reality & the people who play in it" story that is denno coil, but idk whether it's streaming anywhere hm
Spider Hider
Excellent, thank you! I shall look that one up.
Spider Hider
I think you've mentioned Eccentric Family before. Denno Coil isn't familiar to me, but I'll see if it's around anywhere.
anal railgun
there is also natsume's book of friends which is another more fantastic take on social & generational anxiety filtered through just getting through life as it goes. the whole thing is on cr but it's put on there weirdly tho
anal railgun
for one thing it is listed as natsume yujin-cho & for another thing its first 3 seasons are listed together as one show & then the next 3 are each separate from each other
anal railgun
so you have it looking like "season 1 - 39 episodes" & then suddenly "season 4 - 13 episodes" &c
anal railgun
it's all very good but it's built to be taken only 13 episodes at a time, not in the marathon-implying chunk the way cr uploaded it makes it look like it should be
anal railgun
chihayafuru & showa genroku rakugo shinji are both highly recommended b/c they are about disciplines you'll likely have zero foreknowledge of or interest in - karuta & rakugo - that will make you interested by experiencing the story they tell about the ppl to whom these things do matter
anal railgun
they are also on the fringes of the slice of life category, which may demonstrate a slight pattern, i don't know.
anal railgun
& if you like the feel of eccentric family & can't find denno coil i think time of eve might fill that space somewhat comfortably (& at only 8 episodes to denno coil's 26 it's a much smaller time investment either way) but it depends how interested you are in slice of life that leans into potential speculative-fiction territory, really.
Spider Hider
Ahh, much obliged. That gives me quite a bit to work through!