فك يو
if you ever have the chance to introduce a child under the age of ten to the game where you insert "-oodle" after every consonant in a name, A+ plan highly recommend

فك يو
only attempt if you have the patience for an hour of hearing the name of every person they know oodle-ized, though

فك يو
(palindromes work especially well here; she was in hysterics over my name being Hoodleanoodlenoodleahoodle)

do you count double consonents like "tr" as "troodle" or "toodleroodle"

فك يو
I've seen it both ways, but I personally like keeping consonant clusters together

I think troodle is funnier but I do not know how the game Officially works

The version I knew of was "replace all vowels with 'oodle,'" so I think the Official rules are subject to variation

(after every consonant results in much funnier words, I approve)

bleu cheese
yeah, the "rules" I learned from my sister as a child were just to replace all the vowels

فك يو
that's the one I've seen going around as a plurk meme I think

yeah I think the rules I learned were also vowels.