[Road to El Dorado] (nsfw-ish?)
okay let's see if AO3 has the saucy threesome fanfic I need with every ounce of my thirst
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everyone i know ships it, it's gotta exist
yes but will it be saucy enough for me
Mrs. Sheepie
well now I want to rewatch and write something
there are exactly two fics with that triple pairing and an above-teen rating, I am very disappointed in fandom
Blue Emus
...WTF, fandom
Blue Emus
a threesome is practically canon for El Dorado, how is there only two fic?!
(also, I am very slightly considering trying to cultivate my Miguel muse
... there is Naruto/El Dorado fic
unreadably bad crossover fic, it perhaps goes without saying. I was curious.
Blue Emus
there are Naruto/Everything fics
Blue Emus
it's like Harry Potter
Blue Emus
no matter what the second fandom is, someone somewhere has written it
I wrote Naruto/Harry Potter fic
so I suppose I cannot argue that
also, Naruto/Game of Thrones
Blue Emus know, Naruto/GoT seems like a good thematic match, actually
Blue Emus
I mean you have Highly Visible Ninjas and That Canon Where Everyone Dies
Blue Emus
seems like an appropriate combination to me
it was hella fun to write
... also, whew, okay, one of those two fics was indeed what I was looking for. thank you fandom for never letting me down.
that is open in the other tab right now, I meant
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i come back to this plurk and suddenly naruto
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Tɪᴇʟ Dᴇᴀʀ
there's no naruto/robots crossover fic, but there is robots and supernatural, Harry potter, and star wars
Tɪᴇʟ Dᴇᴀʀ
I'd read the Harry Potter one but it's in Russian
Tɪᴇʟ Dᴇᴀʀ
I can know because there's a whole four pages of robots fic on ao3
Tɪᴇʟ Dᴇᴀʀ
I'm kind of disappointed to not find naruto, tbh
Tɪᴇʟ Dᴇᴀʀ
I might look at the star wars ones to see how the VASTLY DIFFERENT treatment of robots is handled
Blue Emus
clearly you now need to write one
Blue Emus
it is A Rule. Naruto crossover fic must exist
Tɪᴇʟ Dᴇᴀʀ
I don't really know naruto though
Blue Emus
pfft, that's okay. the fic doesn't have to be good XD
Blue Emus
it merely needs to exist
Tɪᴇʟ Dᴇᴀʀ
like, I've seen one episode and I read a couple issues of shonen jump with it fifteen years ago
Tɪᴇʟ Dᴇᴀʀ
that is the limit of my knowledge
Blue Emus
(I'm not being serious you know XD)
Tɪᴇʟ Dᴇᴀʀ
(I know. )
Blue Emus
Tɪᴇʟ Dᴇᴀʀ
I haven't looked at fic for my canon in ages anyway. a startlingly large amount of it is "Baley has a panic attack, Daneel has sex with him to fix it because that's how you deal with panic attacks I guess"
Blue Emus
obscure fandoms can be like that
Tɪᴇʟ Dᴇᴀʀ
Tɪᴇʟ Dᴇᴀʀ
doesn't mean I can't be salty about it though
Blue Emus
Hey, I get you there
Blue Emus
Matthew's fandom is like that
Tɪᴇʟ Dᴇᴀʀ
some of the best fictional accounts of panic attacks I've ever read is in these books, but it's just an excuse for sex apparently
Blue Emus
there's a few gems in there, but a ridiculous amount of the fic that exists is actually just one person writing their own OC story in their own OC setting and claiming it's the same canon
I have a Tulio journal, apropos
Blue Emus
(even more annoyingly: it's like 17 drabbles or something, so it takes up like a third of all the fics written for the canon, period)
Tɪᴇʟ Dᴇᴀʀ
Tɪᴇʟ Dᴇᴀʀ
(also literally no one ever writes Daneel/Giskard but that's practically canon)
Tɪᴇʟ Dᴇᴀʀ
"you are so important to me that my positronic potentials behave as though you were a human and not another robot and maybe that's wrong but let's just hold hands meaningfully in silence all night"
Tɪᴇʟ Dᴇᴀʀ
and then Giskard dies in Daneel's arms
Tɪᴇʟ Dᴇᴀʀ
but I guess no one wants to write about robot love
Tɪᴇʟ Dᴇᴀʀ
there's no sex
Tɪᴇʟ Dᴇᴀʀ
just hand holding
Tɪᴇʟ Dᴇᴀʀ
and feels
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fuck, that's my jam though, hand holding and meaningful stares
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the feefees
Tɪᴇʟ Dᴇᴀʀ
it's canon but somehow, zero fic
Tɪᴇʟ Dᴇᴀʀ
zero fic about the hand-holding robots and their feelings
Tɪᴇʟ Dᴇᴀʀ
no spoilers
Tɪᴇʟ Dᴇᴀʀ
like you want to ship Elijah baley and Daneel? sure, I can dig that
okay this fic in the other tab is even better, thank you Jeeps.
Tɪᴇʟ Dᴇᴀʀ
lots of canon Lije explicitly telling people DON'T TEST THE LOVE ME AND THIS ROBOT HAVE FOR EACH OTHER
Tɪᴇʟ Dᴇᴀʀ
but it's been two hundred years, let Daneel love his robot friend too
Tɪᴇʟ Dᴇᴀʀ
he has a lot of love to give you know
Tɪᴇʟ Dᴇᴀʀ
good god what even is this series
Tɪᴇʟ Dᴇᴀʀ
I should stop being dumb in other people's plurks and try to sleep, sheesh
Miguel username: doesnthavethevoice. Tulio username: hasthevoice.
although amazingly neither bothisgood or foughtyoursister have been taken either
(I may have just created doesnthavethevoice just in case)
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omg bothisgood isnt taken
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its a miracle
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i cant believe it
bothisgood omg
also we never discussed which of us is miguel and which tulio
obviously you are Miguel and Tulio
and I am Tulio and Miguel
Blue Emus know it suddenly occurs to me: if you guys are planning to app them to Syn, they would totally need to go to my El Dorado inspired walkabout proposal, if it ever wins a jaunt
Blue Emus
Where they could pretend to be gods again! 8D
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because that went so well the first time XDDD
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our "heroes"
Blue Emus
and I'm sure they'd do even better when they have to pretend to be Morally Righteous and Upstanding gods...XD
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sailor bii
you two doing tulio and miguel together is perfect and good
sailor bii
i am in favor
it is such a good movie
I rewatched it last night and Miguel is solidly in my head at the moment
Is that what they're calling it these days? (woot)