Not too far into Dreamfall Chapters yet but I'm really enjoying it so far, the story is a little out there for what I normally go with but it's fun
glad I watched a LP of the Longest Journey for context before starting
this robot is my favorite
he has simple goals in life
I really like how relatable the main character is in a lot of ways. The Longest Journey starts off with her talking about how she's depressed, she breaks it off with her fiance, drops out of university, isn't sure what she's doing with her life, and is trying to find motivation to leave her apartment
she's just 20/21 trying to figure out life in the middle of all of this
I'm enjoying how that narrative is continuing so far in Dreamfall Chapters since she's relocated and trying to start a whole new life somewhere else
These are the kinds of characters I really love, I wish there were more of them around