tea’s gone cold
[FF7R] Do you think everyone's still going to talk in 90s slang or are they going to update it
Nancy Crawfish
I just hope there's still *$#&^ ! censorship, and whether it uses that or real swears is still utterly random
tea’s gone cold
i have already given up on any &%$#ing swearing
the other side
i want it exactly the same
the other side
tbh just plays ffvii again
the other side
ALSO today i was thinking, how the heck is stuff like red xiii in a sailor outfit gonna work
tea’s gone cold
but, like, having Cloud talk in middle-class berniebro edgelord slang would be a really solid cultural translation
Nancy Crawfish
oh my god I hope they go all out with that
tea’s gone cold
as would having yuffie talk like a snapchat shit
Nancy Crawfish
I want stumbling hind leg red xiii beautifully animated
pure starfall
I want red XIII to not be cut from the game because bUDGET CONSTRAINTS
pure starfall
just let the catdog exist
tea’s gone cold
it's hard to argue the 90s talk isn't charming, though
tea’s gone cold
plurk was hiding replies
tea’s gone cold
tea’s gone cold
he has a whole music track in the game named after his humansuiting, that's not the kind of thing you can cut easily