Syr Cadian
I am so full of tired and ache, and my phone has still been disconnected when I'm not on WiFi. why does payday or an actual day off seem so far away
Syr Cadian
I WILL SURVIVE? just I'm so darn tired
you will definitely survive, but it's a shame surviving is not a little easier
Syr Cadian
yeah. these shifts are terrible in regards to getting anything else done, having any time to relax/detox, or even like. find a better job.
Syr Cadian
like this week it's: mon 11 to 7:15, tues off, wed 11 to 7:15, today is 12 to 8:15, tomorrow is 11 to 7:15, sat is 9-something to 6, and Sun is off.
Syr Cadian
next week it's similar but on mon I get in at 9, tues off, wed I get in at 10:30, thurs I get in at 11, Friday is a half shift from 10 to 3, sat is in at nine, and Sun off.
Syr Cadian
why is one week full of different start times? WHO KNOWS. why are they throwing me on extra days when we've been dead? I ALSO DON'T KNOW.
Syr Cadian
I have every question.
Syr Cadian
"but didn't you have a half-day for tomorrow?" YEAH I THOUGHT I DID, BUT NOPE
Syr Cadian
"hey who should we throw onto extra shifts? OOH I KNOW, THE CRIPPLE WHO'S VISIBLY IN PAIN AT THE END OF EACH DAY" s t o p