[health] The spinal tap mentioned my blood sugar was slightly high again, so I did the responsible thing and took two fenugreek tablets today.
Then cleaned the house
Wheeee, blood sugar crash, great job
sentient gate
yikes, careful!
I'm okay! Chores are about the only thing I know of that'll cause me to go low, so I'm not upset (LOL)
I have sunrise effect REAL BAD (probably why they picked up an increased reading tbh, that tap was super early)
sentient gate
oh man yeah, i get that too but my insulin ATTACKS LIKE THUNDER so i usually wind up low rather than high xD fun times
sentient gate
and im sorry about your back! i can handle the tap itself just fine, but afterward is torture for me
IT SUCKED FOR LIKE 3 DAYS, no headache (thank god) but my back hurt like a mfer
sentient gate
yeah, it's rough! im glad it looks like things are okay aside from blood sugar stuff though
I'm just glad the neurologist didn't push me to see a diabetes specialist. I'm already seeing like 5 doctors for different shit.
I like her a lot but ahahahaha no please you've already put me through hell for 2 months please not that again.
Maybe regular diabetes specialists are okay, but the gestational diabetes nurses I had to see at EVMS were annoying dumbasses.
Mine didn't know what hot and sour soup was. She gave me shit for eating low carb ice cream, then went "Well, next time, have a quarter cup of nuts on it instead".
The standards were lower than regular blood sugar numbers and taken an hour after eating instead of two. It was easier to just falsify my stupid food diary than deal with Quarter Cup of Nuts.
I know regular diabetes doctors are probably not godawful, because obstetrics tends to attract the worst motherfuckers, but man, I have trauma
sentient gate
yeeeeeah...to be honest it really depends on the facility and the individual doctor. ive had type one since birth and just now, at 34, finally found an endocrinologist (diabetes and other hormonal disease specialist) that listens tro me rather than insisting i don't follow doctor's orders
sentient gate
gestational diabetes docs tend to have a super bad reputation among diabetics, though, probably because they just always insist on going by the book and can't seem to figure out that no one is an actual textbook case, everyone differs
God, I would hate to have had prior diabetes and then deal with those dumbasses.
I figured out after the second visit that I was on my own because any questions I had were gonna be dismissed or used against me. So I just nodded and smiled for three months while doing everything myself.
Their meal plan was the most bizarre shit I've ever seen.
1/2 a grilled skinless, boneless chicken breast
1/2 cup of buttered noodles
1/4 cup of peas
Like.... what do you... even... do with that...
sentient gate
what the actual hell...the noodles and peas are both starches? like, what is the point of having two servings of basically nothing but carbs and no vegetables that actually count as a vegetable?
sentient gate
gah, im so sorry you went through that. some of the "nutritionists" ive seen have been exactly this way, and i wonder how they got certified. i tend not to meet with them anymore because it's so useless
I feel like they're like the "lactation consultants" that work out of hospitals - their specialty is something else and they took an extra qual they don't care about to make extra money because their hospital needed one on hand.
So they come in, hand you a few print outs they found online, scold you over your food diary (because that's how you know they read it and Did Their Job), then fuck off.
sentient gate
pretty much every diabetic care "professional" ive ever had has done the same thing
sentient gate
it gets so old so fast. anymore i only go because i need prescriptions to do that whole continuing to live thing