[oc stuff] not sure how much rambling I'll get done in here or not :V
holy shit I spent an hour divvying up my setting into list-form? I didn't even add any info, it's just a buncha bullet points for what info I wanna input later?
literally gave myself a headache :|a
trying to work on this "unseelie-knight half-pooka" oc, and I'm currently floundering about in worldbuilding hell instead of doing anything with him.
I should work on him, and then extrapolate based off what I end up with, probably? blah.
I probably don't need near this much setting :|a
I mean, planning to write a story around him at some point, so I'll probably need it all eventually. But not yet, slow down there brain. o_O
I'd like to say stuff about the actual oc, but that headache is majorly interfering. already took pain meds, shudder to think what this would be like if I hadn't. why does my brain hurt when I use it, this can't be right.
I need to figure out how to character-concept without this worldbuild-hell taking over the process. I love worldbuilding, don't get me wrong on that, but. This is getting to be a problem. <_<
rn the setting's sorta like, there's towns and villages scattered about in this wild-magic forest? and there's a magical knighthood split into the law-enforcement in the towns and the peacekeepers in the wilder areas (and/or where the settlements meet the forest)
and there's two general 'groups' of peoples: the fae and the wrights. the fae are different sorts of faerie types, and the wrights are some different human-y types (aka the difference between like, pookas and dryads vs humans and gnomes)
and as you can see, none of this really gets into Rigel or his story's plot or anything like that. this is like the outline for an rpg setting-book
and looking at it with a bit less of a headache, I'm pretty sure it needs revising to make it fit what I actually want for his story blaugh