boodle boy
Shit man, Beyond Meat's new burger is INDISTINGUISHABLE from a real burger
four eels
i wanna eat it, i love veggie burgers, they always taste so good to me
four eels
still umami but a different kind of umami
boodle boy
this one is REALLY good
boodle boy
it does not taste like a veggie burger
It's definitely not indistinguishable from meat, but it's much closer than any other veggie burger I've tried!
boodle boy
yeah indistinguishable is PERHAPS INACCURATE but it's definitely close
boodle boy
and honestly I usually don't seek out veggie burger that try and taste like meat
My response to it was actually "it's very close to meat but I don't like it as well, so I'd rather just eat a veggie burger that's completely different!" XD
boodle boy
It's interesting too because their last iteration was good but this is a huge jump so I'm really curious where they'll go next
boodle boy
SAME. I usually like "meat" alternatives that don't try to be meay
oh, cool, I hadn't tried the previous version, so I didn't know it was a big change in their formula.
boodle boy
boodle boy
Like, Field Roast makes an AWESOME veggie burger that doesn't taste like a beef burger but it's own extremely delicious thing
oooh are they perhaps... gluten-free?
boodle boy
boodle boy
the Beyond meat ones are definitely gluten free
four eels
holy crap i can actually eat them!!!!
Hall Decker
uuugh, but theyre so expensive!
Hall Decker
they only come, like, two patties a pack
ohhh nice!! I'll have to see if they have any around here to try... my gf has celiac but a lot of veggie patties use wheat to hold things together