Shirt Strippeur
Awake early. xD I hate being the first one awake in a room.
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Shirt Strippeur
Looks like there's a Tales of Gathering today so probably gonna go there
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But Al and I need to stop by the Arda booths first to see if we can last minute style Luke's wig because picture aren't always accurate xD
Shirt Strippeur
Need to check the schedule to see if there's anything else appealing to me
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On another note, The Year unfortunately had to close, so I'll be looking to rehome Toyohisa.
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He might be the one sent to Unrivaled, depending.
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Shirt Strippeur
ENP will be up by the end of this month too, so there's always that. But yeah
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Shirt Strippeur
Idk. I'm going back and forth
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It closed yesterday.
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Shirt Strippeur
Yo yo!
Shirt Strippeur
At the Tales of Gathering site for now
We're gonna go to the yuri on ice panel
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Shirt Strippeur
Yep. The Fon Master is dying
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I cant go on
Shirt Strippeur
Why does this always happen? Why does wearing Ion cripple me so. I can barely walk right now lmaosob